Webinar: Advancements in Vestibular-Ocular Assessments in Concussion Management
We were delighted that James McLoughlin was joined by Co-Chair of the Concussion in Sport Group, Professor Jon Patricios as the latest guest in our 2024 concussion webinar series.
Watch this on demand video as we discussed:
* Why there has been advancement in Vestibular Oculor Motor Assessments in concussion care
* Why the CISG decided to vote on the VOMS being included in SCAT-6
* The importance of gaining objective baseline screening data on the Vestibular-Oculor motor system.
* What the future of concussion care might look like.
We explored all of this, and much more besides, in what was an interesting and lively update on the current research in concussion care, followed by a live Q&A.