Concussion Courses

Concussion. An Evidence Based Update.

This 60 minute online course course is designed for medics and allied health professionals to review the most up-to-date evidence on the clinical management of concussion.

Dive into the physiology of concussion at a cellular level.

Explore the importance of multimodal assessment options at differing points.

Discover how proactive management and referral pathways can improve clinical outcomes.

Examine what strategies can be put in place to allow for a safe return to activity.

Take a deep dive into concussion management today.

Concussion. An Evidence Based Update.

What's covered on the course?

What is concussion?

Definitions & terminology

Neurophysiology of concussion

Signs & Symptoms

Red Flags

Acute care and early management

Assessments & Investigations

Acute assessment tools

Sub-acute assessment tools

Persisting Symptoms

Further investigations

Multidisciplinary Referral & Roles

The 10 Domains of Concussion

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Vestibular
  • Balance
  • Vision
  • Cognition
  • Mental Health
  • Cervical Spine
  • Sleep
  • Autonomic

Return to Strategies

Return to Learn

  • Academic impact of concussion
  • 4 stages of return to learn

Return to Play

  • 6 Stages of return to play
  • Children & Adolescents

Concussion Officers

Brain Health for Life

Modifiable Risk Factors

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)

Baseline Screening

End to End Concussion Management

References & Resources

We have included a whole heap of downloadable resources, as well as a full up-to-date reference list to make sure you are up to date with best practice!


What is the aim of this course?

We have developed this course to provide an evidence-based update on the very latest in acute, sub-acute and ongoing clinical care for people who sustain a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury in the community.

The role of community based general practitioners and other key allied health professionals is critical in diagnosing, assessing and facilitating optimal recovery for return to learn, work and play via multidisciplinary teamwork.

What are the learning outcomes of the course?

By the end of this online course, clinician will be able to

  1. Outline and explain the neurophysiology of concussion. 
  2. List the key signs and symptoms of concussion. 
  3. Identify red flags for immediate medical attention. 
  4. Define concussion and differentiate the subcategories of mild traumatic brain injury. 
  5. Determine the acute signs that warrant imaging investigation for the brain or cervical spine. 
  6. Select and utilise the appropriate multimodal screening tools for acute and sub-acute assessment of concussion for neurological, oculomotor, vestibular, balance, cervical spine, cognitive and autonomic functions based on the latest best-practice guidelines. 
  7. Consider the types of dysfunctions, clinical assessments and referral pathways.
  8. Explain the importance of symptom disclosure, removal from play, early rest, and early proactive interventions. 
  9. Advise and follow recommendation around symptoms and sign monitoring, alcohol, medication use and driving following a concussion. 
  10. Advise and follow the recommended stages for return to learn and employment. 
  11. Advise and follow the recommended stages for return play, including medical clearance for return to contact training. 
  12. Explain persisting symptoms and the role of other health care professionals in managing these. 
  13. Explain the role of repeat head trauma as a risk factor for conditions such as CTE. 
  14. Advise on modifiable risk factors for improved brain health over the lifespan. 

How long is this course and how much does it cost?

The online course takes around 60minutes. Even so, we have split it into easy to manageable modules that can be completed at your own pace.

In addition to the online content you will be given 24 months access to the Your Brain Health community platform which provides further content and resources (including a dedicated area for people who have completed Level 2), the opportunity to interact with other members of the community and more!

Due to the challenges of exchange rates local pricing may vary and you can view this when you look to purchase.

What is the Your Brain Health Community Platform?

The Your Brain Health Platform connects you with experts in concussion from around the world.

Our knowledge of brain health is constantly evolving. As such, we’ll be continuously updating our members with insights, raising awareness of the latest developments and shedding light on the topic of concussion and a whole host of other things to do with the brain.

Is the course CPD accredited?

At the end of each module there will be an opportunity to complete a short quiz to reinforce what you have learned.

And on completion of the course you will be issued with a certificate that can be used to enhance a CPD portfolio.